Well, we thought with all of that toilet paper that everyone bought, we might as well put some of those rolls to good use in today’s activity;)
Materials: YouTube, pencil, paper towel role or toilet paper roles, scissors, yarn (or ribbon or string), paint (or coloring pencils, markers or crayons) and a hole punch (optional).
Main Learning Outcomes: Developing fine motor skills, early literacy and creativity.
(1) First, we will begin by gathering together for one of our favourite books, “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”, by Eric Carle. If you don’t have the book at home, you can listen to it read by the author himself, by following this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkYmvxP0AJI
(2) Now let’s build our own very hungry caterpillar! We start by cutting each paper towel role or toilet paper roll into 1.5-2 inch rings. We want to end up with about 8-10 rings. Now we can paint or colour the rings to look like the very hungry caterpillar (or whatever colour caterpillar you choose). Don’t forget the eyes and antennae. Once that is dry, we string them together.
For toddlers, you can cut a long piece of yarn/ribbon and they can string each ring onto it. Make sure there is extra string, so you can tie it and they can wear it as a necklace of they want.